Turn data into revenue with Insight PX

Insight PX

At Insight PX, we specialize in unlocking the full potential of your product experience through strategic and data-driven analytics.Understanding how users interact with your product is essential for customer acquisition, customer growth, and customer success.Our mission is to empower your business with actionable insights that drive informed decisions, enhance user experiences, and propel your success.

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Jacob Scoville

Read about what others are experiencing with Insight PX

Client Stories

At Insight PX, you are getting the expertise of someone who has help companies in various stages find success.Read about some experiences below!

Online Learning Technology Client

A company I consulted for found themselves with surplus funds and a desire to expand their customer base for one of their software products. Despite having a solid product offering, they struggled to effectively reach and convert potential customers in their target market.
Recognizing the opportunity to leverage data-driven strategies, this company engaged my services to devise a comprehensive customer acquisition plan. I conducted a thorough analysis of their existing customer data, market trends, and competitor landscape to identify opportunities.
The strategy focused on leveraging existing customers, customer needs, and existing customer pain points in order to drive a targeted campaign. Personalized outreach to customers was key for this particular strategy.Outcome:
Through the implementation of this data-driven customer acquisition strategy, this company experienced remarkable business growth:
12X Increase in Customer Base: Within the first three months of implementing this strategy, this company achieved a 12-fold increase in the customer base for the targeted software product, surpassing their initial goals.Improved ROI: Our targeted approach resulted in a significant improvement in ROI for the money invested. By focusing resources on high-potential leads, this company achieved a more efficient allocation of their budget.Enhanced Market Positioning: The success of the customer acquisition strategy bolstered this company's reputation in the industry, positioning them as a leader in their niche market segment. Increased brand visibility and positive word-of-mouth further amplified their competitive advantage.Sustainable Growth Trajectory: Beyond the immediate results, our partnership established a foundation for sustained growth and continued success. By leveraging data insights and agile strategies, this company remains poised to capitalize on future opportunities and maintain momentum in their expansion efforts.Conclusion:
Through collaboration and a commitment to data-driven decision-making, this company was able to unlock the full potential of their surplus funds and achieve unprecedented growth in customer acquisition. Our partnership exemplifies the power of strategic planning, targeted execution, and the transformative impact of turning data into revenue.

Security Software Client

A company I consulted with recognized the importance of customer engagement but lacked a structured approach to measure and improve it. Despite offering a valuable product, they faced challenges in maximizing revenue growth due to inadequate customer insights.
To address these challenges, this company partnered with me to overhaul their customer engagement strategy. We initiated a comprehensive data collection process, enabling this company to gather crucial customer data, including product usage metrics, Net Promoter Scores (NPS), and other relevant feedback.
Using this wealth of data, we developed a sophisticated predictive modeling framework to create customer health scores. These scores provided actionable insights into customer behavior, allowing this company to anticipate revenue retention, growth opportunities, and churn risks for each customer.Armed with these insights, we collaborated to revamp their customer engagement initiatives. This included targeted email campaigns, personalized in-app engagements, and proactive outreach efforts tailored to individual customer segments based on their health scores.Outcome:
The implementation of data-driven customer engagement practices yielded significant results for this company:
Improved Revenue Retention: By leveraging customer health scores to identify at-risk accounts and proactively address their needs, this company continued to achieve a world class level of revenue retention.Accelerated Revenue Growth: Targeted engagement efforts based on predictive insights resulted in increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, driving revenue growth for this company. Customers who received personalized engagement interventions exhibited higher lifetime value and expanded their product usage.Enhanced Customer Experience: The implementation of email campaigns, in-app engagements, and other initiatives tailored to individual customer needs enhanced the overall customer experience. By delivering relevant content and support resources, this company fostered stronger relationships with their customers, leading to greater satisfaction and loyalty.Increased Customer Spend: As a direct result of the improved engagement strategies, ABC Software Solutions witnessed a significant boost in customer spend, amounting to multi millions of dollars in additional revenue. This increase in customer spend further solidified the impact of their data-driven approach on driving tangible business outcomes.Conclusion:
Through the strategic integration of data analytics and customer engagement practices, this company transformed its approach to customer management, achieving tangible improvements in revenue retention, growth, and overall customer satisfaction. Our partnership exemplifies the power of leveraging data to enhance the customer experience and drive sustainable business growth, ultimately resulting in substantial increases in revenue.

Mobile App Client

A company I consulted with had developed an impressive mobile application, but lacked insight into how users were interacting with their product. Without a clear understanding of user behavior and preferences, they struggled to establish a distinct identity and communicate their unique value proposition effectively to clients.
Recognizing the importance of data-driven decision-making, this company partnered with me to implement a comprehensive product usage data tracking system. We collaborated to define key metrics and to capture relevant usage data, including feature utilization, session duration, and user engagement patterns.
Once the data collection process was established, we conducted a thorough analysis to uncover insights into user behavior and preferences. We identified trends, patterns, and areas of high user engagement within the mobile application.With this newfound understanding, we worked closely to refine their brand identity and messaging, focusing on the features and functionalities that resonated most with their target audience. By aligning efforts with user preferences and values, we aimed to strengthen their brand perception and enhance client satisfaction.Outcome:
The implementation of product usage data tracking and insights-driven branding initiatives resulted in several significant outcomes:
Enhanced Value Perception: By leveraging insights from product usage data, this company gained a deeper understanding of what features and functionalities were most valued by their users. This enabled them to refine their messaging and positioning, emphasizing the unique value propositions that resonated most with their target audience.Improved Brand Identity: Armed with a clearer understanding of their product's strengths and user preferences, this company was able to cultivate a stronger brand identity. Their messaging became more cohesive and compelling, reflecting the core values and benefits that set their mobile application apart from competitors.Strategic Growth Opportunities: With a solid foundation of product usage data and insights-driven branding strategies in place, this company was well-positioned to capitalize on strategic growth opportunities. Armed with a clearer understanding of their target audience and value proposition, they could confidently pursue new market segments and expansion initiatives.Conclusion:
Through the strategic implementation of product usage data tracking and insights-driven branding initiatives, this company transformed their approach to client engagement and value perception. By leveraging data to inform branding decisions and align efforts with user preferences, they established a stronger brand identity and enhanced client satisfaction, ultimately driving sustainable growth and success in the competitive mobile app market.

Security Client

A company I consulted with operated across multiple platforms and systems, resulting in fragmented data spread across five different locations. This dispersed data landscape posed significant challenges in gaining holistic insights into employee behavior and performance. Without a centralized data repository, this company struggled to accurately assess employee performance (their largest expense) and identify areas for improvement.
Recognizing the need for a unified data strategy, this company engaged my services to streamline their data integration process and enhance employee insights. We conducted a comprehensive assessment of their existing data infrastructure, identifying disparate sources and data silos.
Utilizing my expertise in data integration and automation, we devised a tailored solution to consolidate data from all five locations into a centralized repository. Leveraging automation tools and methodologies, we established seamless data pipelines to extract, transform, and load data from disparate sources into a single source of truth.With the data integration framework in place, we collaborated to develop employee performance scores—a composite metric that combined data from various sources to assess the overall performance of each employee. Drawing insights from each data source these employee performance scores provided actionable insights to drive strategic decision-making and enhance company-wide operations.Outcome:
The implementation of streamlined data integration and employee performance scoring yielded significant outcomes:
Centralized Data Repository: By consolidating data from multiple locations into a single source, this company achieved greater visibility and control over their data assets. This centralized repository facilitated easier access to data for analysis and reporting, streamlining decision-making processes and enhancing operational efficiency.Actionable Employee Insights: The development of employee performance scores enabled this company to gain deeper insights into employee behavior and performance. By aggregating data from various sources, they could accurately assess the overall performance of each user and identify opportunities for proactive intervention and support.Enhanced Employee Relationships: Armed with actionable insights from employee performance scores, this company was able to tailor their operational strategies to meet the unique needs of employees. By delivering personalized experiences and addressing problems proactively, they strengthened employee relationships and fostered greater loyalty and performance.Improved Decision-Making: The availability of comprehensive insights empowered this company to make data-driven decisions that aligned with their business objectives. They were able to confidently prioritize investments and initiatives that drove maximum value for employees and their customers.Conclusion:
Through the strategic implementation of data integration and employee performance scoring, this company transformed their approach to employees and customer support. By consolidating data from disparate sources and leveraging automation to build actionable insights, they achieved greater visibility, efficiency, and effectiveness in serving their customers and driving business success.

Turn data into revenue with Insight PX

Insight PX

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Turn data into revenue with Insight PX

About Insight PX

At Insight PX, we specialize in unlocking the full potential of your product experience through strategic and data-driven analytics.Understanding how users interact with your product is essential for customer acquisition, customer growth, and customer success.Our mission is to empower your business with actionable insights that drive informed decisions, enhance user experiences, and propel your success.

What Sets Insight PX Apart

Experience helping multiple companies that service different industries set up and leverage data solutions to retain and grow revenue by millions of dollars
Tailored Solutions
Customized analytics strategies to address your unique business needs
Commitment to delivering measurable results that align with your objectives


1. Product Analytics
Tracking and analyzing usage data, feature adoption, retention drivers, and where users experience challenges
2. Product & Feature Adoption
Developing engaging in-app tutorials and pop-ups to guide users seamlessly
3. Customer Satisfaction
Designing and deploying in-app surveys to gather valuable feedback directly from users

Why Choose Insight PX?

Experienced Strategist
Leverage the expertise of a professional who has helped companies with 10’s of customers to 1,000’s of customers
Optimized Experiences
Enhance user satisfaction by refining and optimizing your product experience
Data-Backed Decision-Making
Utilize data-driven practices to launch your product experience, continuously reevaluating strategies based on real-time data insights

Referral Incentive

Refer a colleague to Insight PX, and upon the successful engagement of our services, receive a $150 gift card or donation to the charity of your choice. It's my way of saying thank you for being part of this community and sharing the value of Insight PX with others!